The Littoral Agro pastoral and Craft mini-fair: agricultural producers and breeders awarded

The Littoral agropastoral and artisanal mini-fair of the 2018 edition took place at the Camtel Bepanda stadium in Douala from the 19th to 21st of December 2018. It was the meeting point of the exhibiting producers from the four departments, visitors coming mainly from the big metropolis of Douala and the surrounding areas, technical partners for agricultural development, agricultural economic operators, the curious, etc.
This event was placed under the supervision of Mr. Samuel Dieudonné IVAHA DIBOUA, Governor of the Littoral region. He was accompanied by the First Deputy to the Divisional Officer , representing the Wouri Divisional Officer ; the representative of the Government Delegate of the Douala Urban Council ; the Douala 5th First Deputy Mayor of the representing the Mayor ; supervisory officers in charge of overseeing the mini-fair ; Regional Delegates from partner ministries were: MINADER, MINEPIA, MINPMEESA and MINCOMMERCE.
This meeting of the rural world was attended by 341 Producers’ Organizations selected by the organizing committee with more than 3,750 visitors who shopped. Other institutions and companies also took part in the fair like the Douala Autonomous Seaport, BRASSERIES OF CAMEROON, SEMAGRI, NESTLE, CICAM, SOREPCO, CRTV, CANAL 2, Radio Balafon etc.

The Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVC_DP) was represented at this fair by its Littoral technical team, in order to present to the agricultural actors involved in its 3 speculations (Pineapple, Plantain-Banana and palm oil), the opportunities as well as incentive and support measures that the Project could provide or create.
In sum 45 specimens were exposed at the village of the agropastoral mini-fair 2018, with 125 tons of products registered, an increase of 5 tons compared to the previous edition. 394 awards were given to producers, 118 awards of excellence distributed, awards of excellence for those who have distinguished themselves for the quality of their products, young producers were not left out, they were also awarded this year in the category “Best Young Farmer”.
In addition to the participation diplomas awarded to all exhibitors, the best received multiform support according to the branches of activity which they practice.
This fair allowed to appreciate the rich potentials which the Littoral has at its disposal, not only in agricultural matters, but also in the fishery and breeding sectors. These include cereals, vegetables, roots and tubers, poultry, fish products, processed products. In short, the public of Douala that arrived on the site of this agropastoral and artisanal mini-fair could make purchases at “fair and accessible prices”, as recommended by the Governor of the Littoral at the opening of this regional fair of the rural world.


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