Project overview

Project Overview:
The Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (PD-CVA) is a tool for implementing the vision of Cameroon which aims to strengthen its role as an agricultural power in the sub-region of Central Africa. This vision is operationalized through the 2010-2020 Strategy Paper for Growth and Jobs (GESP), whose three pillars are: growth, employment, governance and strategic management of the State.
The project will contribute to the creation of wealth and employment especially for young people and food and nutritional security through the improvement of the competitiveness of three agricultural value chains: oil palm, plantain and pineapple. The PD-CVA will help to remove the constraints that limit the competitiveness of these three sectors. The approach adopted will be to intervene at the level of the various links of the three CVAs in order to remove the constraints that limit its competitiveness. THE DIFFERENT COMPONENTS.
DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL INFRASTRUCTURES: 1000 km of rural roads, 30 shops, 15 rural markets, 30 km of electricity networks, 30 drinking water supply systems (AEP), a quality control laboratory for agricultural products.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIELDS: support for the establishment of processing units, institutional strengthening of producer organizations, technical supervision, facilitation of interface with service providers, training, support for research for seed and seed production The creation of a sector development fund for the financing of
Values ​​(CV);
The project aims to create around 600 companies in the agro-business sector, benefiting about 1,500 young graduates, 40% of whom have access to credit.
The cost excluding taxes for the project is 115,081 million Euros (75,488,829 million FCFA), jointly financed by the AfDB (77.6%), the Government (21.5%) and the beneficiaries (0, 9%).
The total duration of the project is five years.
The direct beneficiaries of the project are estimated at 242,000 people, 50% of whom are women. They are structured players (cooperatives and networks of professional organizations) involved in the three targeted value chains, as well as young graduates attracted by agribusiness. The increase in income is estimated at an average of 818,000 FCFA / yr / household and estimated income gains of more than 6,000,000 FCFA / yr for young entrepreneurs. Additional production volumes generated during the cruise year are estimated at 216,000 tons of oil palm diets, 240,000 tons of plantain, 10,000 tons of pineapples and 17,500 tons of palm oil. Indirect beneficiaries of the rural populations in the targeted areas are estimated at one million people.
The Bank will support the development of value chains for plantain, pineapple and palm oil, complementing interventions by the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the European Union (AFD), which target other sectors (cassava, sorghum, maize, onion, fish, milk, pigs). More specifically, the project will tackle constraints related to inadequate rural infrastructure, limited supply of finance, poor access to technological innovations, weak structuring of actors and inadequate processing capacity. This choice is justified by the existence of a growing domestic and regional market.
To promote youth entrepreneurship, the Agripreneur model developed by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) will be used. This model has been implemented in several other countries
With satisfactory results.
The PD_CVA is part of the Bank’s contribution to the financing of the National Agricultural Investment Program (2014-2020), valued at 1,500 billion FCFA. The Bank’s expected contribution to the NIP is approximately CFAF 300 billion. Furthermore, PD_CVA will optimize the effects and impacts of the Bank’s other interventions, particularly in the transport and energy sectors, where operations have enabled the opening-up of large production areas on the one hand and facilitated Access to internal and external markets on the other. KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT Given its innovative nature, the PD-CVA includes several pilot axes on youth entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture and agribusiness, with IITA’s Agripreneur model, And on the other hand on the factors of competitiveness