The AVC_DP opts for zero hunger in 2030

The Agricultural Value ​​Chains Development Project together with the international community celebrated, the World Food Day.

It was at the courtyard of the National Museum of Yaounde that the celebration of the World Food Day (WFD) in Cameroon took place on October 25th.

Ensuring food and nutritional security in Cameroon is one of the major strategic objectives of the AVC_DP. This is accompanied by the elimination of constraints inherent to the competitiveness of the pineapple, plantain and oil palm sectors, an objective targeted by the AVC_DP.

On the 16th of October every year, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) celebrates World Food Day, commemorating the day of its creation in 1945. The objectives of the World Food Day are:

  • Increase public awareness on the nature of the world hunger problem;
  • Encourage all countries to pay more attention to agricultural production and encourage greater efforts in this direction at the national, bilateral, multilateral and non-governmental levels;
  • Promote the transfer of technologies in developing countries;
  • Strengthen solidarity at the national and international levels to fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty, and draw attention to the results achieved in food and agricultural development.
  • Encourage the participation of the rural population, especially women and the underprivileged groups, in decisions and measures affecting their living conditions,
  • Encourage economic and technical cooperation among developing countries.

According to the FAO, “Zero Hunger” means acting together to ensure that everyone on the planet has access to safe, healthy and nutritious food. To do this, we must adopt a more sustainable way of life, work hand in hand, share our know-how and be ready to change the world for the better.

It is within this framework that Cameroon, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER), joined the international community for the celebration of the 2018 edition of the World Food Day, on October 25 at the National Museum, under the theme: ‘‘Acting for the future. Zero hunger in 2030 is possible’’

The Agricultural Value ​​Chains Development Project was inscribed in the process, represented by its Coordination Unit at the event venue.

It was a matter for the AVC_DP to present its actions and perspectives in the creation of shared wealth, its actions in the fight against hunger in Cameroon and the measures taken to ensure food and nutritional security.

Actors involved in the plantain and pineapple value chains were represented at the AVC_DP stand. There was a concrete demonstration of all derivatives from the processing of agricultural products. The public present, visitors of the event, producers and actors of agricultural development were able to discover plantain liqueur, cakes and other pastries made from plantain and cassava flour. Various brands of natural fruit juices, plantain chips with varied flavors and packages, all unbeatable.


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